Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Maybe when you read that title you did a double take and thought, but her last name is "Caballero" not "Caballo." Or maybe you know a little español and realized that "caballo" is Spanish for horse. Or maybe you don't read the title and are just here to skim through the pictures. Too bad you don't even know I'm talking about you then.

My last name, Caballero, literally means horseman, but translates to gentlemen or knight (depending on where you are). In south Texas, the bathrooms all say "Damas" (ladies) and "Caballeros" (gentlemen). I guess I get to pick which one I want to go in since technically speaking I am both a lady and a Caballero...

But I digress. Here's some shots of the horses that are currently living by my house. When we first got here this grass was tall and green, but the combination of a drought and 50 horses eating and stomping all over the hill have left the grass brown and shriveled up.

 It looks like the colt is running the show here...

 I didn't edit these pictures at all, the sun is just an incredibly warm orange-red color when it sets here. It is so pretty after watching the cool, pale-yellow sunsets at home.
 This little guy must have been born since we've moved here because he's still all legs and knees. I love watching him wobble around after his mom.

These two horses are the teenage rebels of the herd and seem to constantly be causing trouble. Notice the other colts in the background coming over to see what the older, cooler kids are up to.

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