Sunday, October 20, 2013

Santiago Zoo

Mando and I had to go to Santiago to sign some forms for his work visa this past week so we decided to take the kids to the Santiago Zoo afterwards. The trip to the lawyer's office ended up being a lot longer and crazier than we expected but luckily Neto was there to help us keep the kids in line.

Walking around downtown Santiago while trying to get Mando's work visa. Netto had Paul and Izzy, I had Sam, and Mando ended up with Becca, Joseph and the pink backpack!

Then we asked for directions from like 10 different people and drove all over Santiago for about an hour, but after consulting google maps we finally made it.

Why are pink flamingos so stinky? Okay maybe this whole zoo was stinky.
Mando and Becca strolling along in one of the brief shady areas.
Above: Checking out a stinky hippo. Neto kept pretending to talk to the animals which was very entertaining, especially with the monkeys.

A nice Zebra family and a crooked Giraffe because otherwise I couldn't get his whole head in the picture. All your typical zoo stuff.

Joseph put your arm down. Ann go on a diet, or at least quit wearing horizontal stripes and carrying your baby in a baby carrier like a nerd.
Paul and Neto, Best Friends Forever.
This picture was taken by the Grizzly Bears, which is a bad memory for me. It was here that I was cornered by a bunch of teenage school girls who loved my little white bald baby and kept asking me questions all at once in Spanish. Luckily Neto came to my rescue and started talking to them in Portuguese.
Left: I think this camel is pondering whether or not little brown boys taste delicious.
Right: Some very hot penguins trying to stand in the shade.

Left: "Hey guys, which way to Africa?" Did that make you laugh? It made my kids laugh really, really hard. They need to get out more.
Right: After walking all over the hot zoo with nothing to drink the little vendor had only two bottled waters left to sell. So Mando the germaphobe poured them in everybody's mouth like a momma bird feeding her babies.

Honestly the coolest part of the zoo was that it was on the top of a hill in the middle of Santiago, which is a huge city (over 6 million people). You could see how far the city reaches and even see the peaks of the Andes mountains in the distance.

But in the future, don't ask a Chilean for directions.

1 comment:

  1. Bahhh hahhaha!! This post has the overtones of almost all of our family outings…seems like a good idea but reality isn't so fun…. But I loved all the pictures!! And I might resent that looking like a nerd while wearing your baby comment. :-) You just have to do it in style!
