Monday, October 14, 2013

Hada de dientes

Joseph was walking along a cement wall outside our house the other day and fell off somehow. Isabelle came running in the house and with very big, worried eyes told me Joseph was hurt really bad. Since Isabelle has really big, worried eyes at least 10 times a day I told her to just tell Joseph to come in. Then I felt a little bad and went out to check on Joseph and Paul was helping him stumble towards the door with blood streaming out of his mouth. Oops. I guess Isabelle's worried eyes were warranted for once. Since we have no popsicles, I gave him some ice to suck on to stop the bleeding and let him watch Pokémon cartoons to stop the crying. Then I assessed the damage and this is what I found:
The bad news is he had a good sized cut in his top lip, an even bigger cut in his bottom lip, some bleeding gums, and two loose front teeth. And a few scratches on his arms and legs.

The good news is that there is a tooth fairy here called the Hada de Dientes. And about a week later one of Joseph's teeth came out.
I was worried the Hada de Dientes wouldn't know we were in Chile so I put 1,000 pesos (about $2) and a bag of candy under Joseph's pillow. That's what I told Paul when he caught me doing it. Then the Hada de Dientes came later and put another 1,000 pesos there too. Sometimes belief can be expensive.

Other news, Becca is still not so sure about Chile. She spends a lot of time wrapped in a blanket with her silky wrapped protectively around her, one corner cuddled to her nose so she can suck her lip. If only she had a mom who would sit and hold her all day instead of take pictures of her.
 Lastly, baby Sam was 3 months old on October 10. Everywhere we go the little Chilean woman go crazy over my pelonito, pelodito, or muneca (little baldy, little baldy, doll). Apparently there are no ginormous white bald babies here.
These pictures aren't the best. Taking Sam's 3 month baby pictures is one of the many, many things I intend to do but never seem to have the time. He is the sweetest, most content, happiest, and biggest baby I have ever had. He's not just chubby, he's super long with big hands and a nice fuzzy, soft, round head. He has the cutest little baby laugh and will chuckle for just about anyone.

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