Monday, October 7, 2013


You may remember from high school Spanish that strawberries in Spanish are called frescas. But you're wrong. They are called frutillas. At least here in Chile.

William, one of the gate guards, brought us some strawberries and eggs from his family farm our first week here. We ate the strawberries so fast that he brought us more this past weekend. He charged us 5,000 pesos (written 5.000 in Chile), which is approximately $10.

Paul had a few and then I asked him to go get Isabelle to try some. I heard him describing them to her,
"Come try some nice, fresh, big, delicious, juicy, red strawberries!"
Did you hear all those adjectives? I must be a great homeschooler. Actually, he was right. They were by far the best strawberries I have ever had. 

 And they were huge. Here is Mando kindly posing with a strawberry to give you some perspective.
Don't you just wish you could reach through the screen and eat one?
Well Mando just did.
They sell frutillas on the side of the road all over the place. Sometimes they will come in something random like a used grape container but they are delicious. William told Mando they are just coming in season and will get even sweeter. I can't wait.

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