Sunday, December 1, 2013


A local friend invited all of us outsiders to tour Santiago with his family this past Saturday. First we drove up San Cristobal hill, which was packed with bikers and hikers. We ate empanadas at the top and enjoyed the view of the city, then rode the Fununcular down and back up again to say we did it.

The kids and I defying gravity at a park on the hill.

Waiting for the fununcular.

 Izzy, Joseph, Mando, and Paul on the fununcular. Me being bossy like always.

 Eating empanadas and trying to get the pigeons to eat off our feet and hands. (Joseph's piece was a little too big.)

 A view of the city. It's huge. Half of all of Chile lives in Santiago.

 I can see my house from here! Okay, not really.

 Sitting in the hot, hot sun for a shadowy family picture with the city in the background.
The tallest building in South America
Then we headed over to the temple to see the grounds. The kids were most interested in the fountain. It was a very hot day.


The rest of the tour was driving by buildings on the way home because everyone was hot and tired. It was cool to see the city, but as always, it was so nice to pull up to our shady home and feel the breeze and listen to the birds. I'm so glad I don't live in a city!

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